Director, Writer, Actor, Producer

Sucker Punch

by Roy Williams

STUDIO THEATRE (Washington, D.C.)
U.S. Premiere

“In director Leah C. Gardiner’s propulsive and athletic handling, the depictions of the matches themselves…supply the piece with its required wallop. You can overlook the script’s hewing to the genre’s conventions and luxuriate in the production’s blunt-force theatricality.”
- The Washington Post

”Imaginative staging and raw acting that both take advantage of the Studio’s intimate space…Williams and Gardiner rightly position the fight sequences as the gritty heart of this production, accomplishing just as much, if not more, with a choreographed slow-motion knockout as with some of Leon’s electric soliloquies. … Through its powerful simplicity, this production leaves a mark.”
- The Washingtonian

“Sucker Punch is a knockout.”
-Curtain Up D.C.

SET Daniel Conway
LIGHTS Brian MacDevitt
COSTUMES Kathleen Geldard
SOUND/MUSIC Lindsay Jones